Is sport a regular part of your life or do you even do it for a living? Then proper nutrition and sufficient trace elements are your first priority. We offer a unique complex that will nourish your body, boost your performance and support your mind.

Do you want to win?
- Sir Anton’s Secret tablets provide the body with important substances for good fitness, physical endurance and high-quality regeneration
- They are a cleverly designed dietary supplement
- They contains all the building blocks for building up and proper regeneration of muscle mass, connective tissue elasticity and physical endurance
- Quality nutrients promote quality muscle mass that is easier to train
- With the same training load, performance increases and results get better

Do you want to keep improving?
- Sir Anton’s Secret’s unique combination of mutually supporting nutrients is immediately used by the body
- They are instant fuel for power
- They promote quality muscle mass and physical endurance
- They promote quality sleep and regeneration

Do you want things to be straightened out?
- Sir Anton’s Secret eliminates the causes of unhealthy stress, a chemical reaction in the body that leads to unhealthy and counter-productive processes in the organism
- It promotes a stable psyche and resistance to stress
- It improves concentration on current performance
- The body is not burdened with toxins that emerge due to unhealthy stress
Which top athletes have used the tablets during their career?
Veronika Velez Zuzulová - downhill skiing, Martin’s ice hockey players, rower Kateřina Sklenářová (4x Czech champion), athletes Lucie Škrobáková (100 m hurdles, 9th at the London Olympics), Lenka Švábíková (400 m and 800 m), Denisa Rosolová, Zuzana Hejnová, Petr Svoboda (athletes at the 2012 London Olympics and the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics), racing driver Martin Jerman.
New users from the world of sport include our most successful hurdler, Czech champion Markéta Štolová, and also Olympic competitor Vít Müller (400 m hurdles)
New users from the world of sport include our most successful hurdler, Czech champion Markéta Štolová, and also Olympic competitor Vít Müller (400 m hurdles)

Markéta Štolová

Lucie Škrobáková

Markéta Štolová

Denisa Rosolová

Kateřina Sklenářová

Vít Muller

Martin Jerman